TMCongratulations. You have purchased a LifeSource state-of-the-art blood pressure monitor, one of the mosttechnologically advanced yet easy to use pr
10.Remove cuff and make a note of your blood pressure and pulse rate on the chart (see page 16), indicating date and time of measurement. We advise th
CHECK/ADJUST EXHAUST VELOCITYExhaust velocity is the rate at which the air pressure in the cuffdeflates during the course of measurement. It is preset
4. Watch the display screen. As pressure automatically decreases,diastolic numbers should decline in increments of 2 to 5 mmHg. If the exhaust velocit
What Is Blood Pressure?Blood pressure is the force exerted by blood against the walls of the arteries. Systolic pressure occurs when the heart contrac
Assessing High Blood PressureThe following standards for assessing high blood pressure (without regard to age) have been established by the NationalIn
Why Measure Blood Pressure at Home?It is now well known that, for many individuals, blood pressure readings taken in a doctor’s office or hospital set
Please read this important information before using your monitor.☞ Please remember that only a medical practitioner is qualifiedto interpret your bloo
Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .UA-702Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OscillometricDisplay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Our products are designed and manufactured using the latest scientific and technological methods, and offer accurate, easy touse, home monitoring and
WHAT DISPLAY SYMBOLS MEAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3MONITOR COMPONENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4HOW 702 WOR
CONTACT INFORMATIONA division of A&D Engineering, Inc. 1555 McCandless Drive Milpitas, CA 95035www.LifeSourceOnline.comLifeSource is a trademark o
DisplaySymbol RecommendedActionRemain still and refrainfrom talking; measurementin progress.Press exhaust button torelease air.Increase pressurization
You must install 4 type AA (1.5 volt) batteries and attach the cuff to the monitor before using it. To install batteries (or replacethem if the “Low B
Using the correct cuff size is important for an accurate reading. A cuff that is too large will produce a reading that is lower thanthe correct blood
TAKING YOUR BLOOD PRESSURETips for Blood Pressure Monitoring:☞ Relax for about 5 to 10 minutes before measurement.☞ Remove constricting clothing and p
☞ IMPORTANT: Measure pressure at the same time each day.4. Press the POWER button.5. Watch for all display symbols to appear briefly, followed by a ze
7. Sit quietly during measurement. Pressure values are displayedat left, then right, along with ❤ symbol blinks and beeps withpulse beat.NOTE: If you
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