Lifesource Life Source Multi-Function Automatic Blood Pressur Instrukcja Użytkownika

Przeglądaj online lub pobierz Instrukcja Użytkownika dla Zdrowie i higiena Lifesource Life Source Multi-Function Automatic Blood Pressur. LifeSource Life Source Multi-Function Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor UA-851/V/VL User Manual Instrukcja obsługi

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Pressure Rating
Irregular Heartbeat
90 Memory Recall
Displays Average
Four week blood
pressure logbook
Illuminated start
Fast measurement
A multi-function blood pressure monitor in a sleek, contemporary design.
The sleek new Multi-Function Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor combines clinically valuable
features with a contemporary new table top design. This monitor includes features such as:
F a s t . E a s y . A c c u r a t e .
Blood Pressure Monitor
Pressure Rating Indicator™ - providing a snapshot of the user's blood pressure classification
according to the U.S. JNC7 guidelines.
Irregular Heartbeat Detection - will alert the user to the presence of an irregular heartbeat
while still providing an accurate reading.
90 memory records the last 90 readings.
Bilingual instruction guide with illustrations and quick start card.
Four week blood pressure logbook included.
Visit our website at for more information
or call our Customer Satisfaction hotline at 1-888-726-9966.
LifeSource blood pressure monitors lead the way in technology and quality because peoples’ lives
depend on them. Our commitment to patient-focused thinking has made us the leading primary
manufacturer in developing clinically valuable features. The LifeSource blood pressure monitors are
fast, easy, accurate and carry a full Lifetime Warranty.
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Podsumowanie treści

Strona 1 - UA-851V/VL

• Pressure Rating Indicator™ • Irregular Heartbeat Detection• 90 Memory Recall• Displays Average Reading• Bilingual Instructions• Four week blo

Strona 2 - Technical Specifications

LIT-UA-851-DS 03/09Technical SpecificationsMulti-Function Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor - UA-851Dimensions 5.9" (w) x 4.9" (l) x 6.1&q

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