Trilingual Instruction Guide – MODEL UA-787Quick Response with EasyCuffTM Feature Blood Pressure Monitor
In Canada (Toll-Free): 1-800-463-5414LifeSource Health Line (Toll-Free): 1-888-726-9966E-15❤ABOUT BLOOD PRESSURE❤E-14❤Assessing High Blood PressureThe
In Canada (Toll-Free): 1-800-463-5414LifeSource Health Line (Toll-Free): 1-888-726-9966E-17✓E-16TROUBLESHOOTING✓ProblemNothing appears inthe display,
Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .UA-787Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OscillometricDisplay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A division of A&D Engineering, Inc. 1555 McCandless Drive Milpitas, CA 95035www.LifeSourceOnline.comLifeSource and EasyCuff are trademarks of A&am
IMPORTANT INFORMATION✓Please read this important information before using your monitor.☞ Please remember that only a medical practitioner is qualified
In Canada (Toll-Free): 1-800-463-5414WHAT DISPLAY SYMBOLS MEAN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E-2MONITOR COMPONENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . .
In Canada (Toll-Free): 1-800-463-5414LifeSource Health Line (Toll-Free): 1-888-726-9966E-3MONITOR COMPONENTS?INDEXAC AdapterMemory ButtonSTART ButtonA
In Canada (Toll-Free): 1-800-463-5414LifeSource Health Line (Toll-Free): 1-888-726-9966E-5USE SMALL CUFF USE LARGE CUFFPROPER FIT RANGEINDEXUsing the
TAKING YOUR BLOOD PRESSURETAKING YOUR BLOOD PRESSUREAdjusting the Built-in ClockThe UA-787 Quick Response monitor has a built-in clock thatgives you t
In Canada (Toll-Free): 1-800-463-5414LifeSource Health Line (Toll-Free): 1-888-726-9966E-95.All display symbols appear briefly, then the display chang
In Canada (Toll-Free): 1-800-463-5414LifeSource Health Line (Toll-Free): 1-888-726-9966E-11This monitor automatically stores up to thirty (30) blood p
In Canada (Toll-Free): 1-800-463-5414LifeSource Health Line (Toll-Free): 1-888-726-9966E-13❤USING THE MONITOR WITH AC ADAPTERThe UA-787 has an AC adap
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