Lifesource DT-607 Instrukcja Użytkownika

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Podsumowanie treści


SENSOR TIPDISPLAY WINDOW BATTERY COVERSTART BUTTONInstruction Guide – MODEL DT-607Congratulations on your purchase of the LifeSource® Digital Thermome

Strona 3

SENSOR TIPDISPLAY WINDOW BATTERY COVERSTART BUTTONInstruction Guide – MODEL DT-607Congratulations on your purchase of the LifeSource® Digital Thermome

Strona 4

SENSOR TIPDISPLAY WINDOW BATTERY COVERSTART BUTTONInstruction Guide – MODEL DT-607Congratulations on your purchase of the LifeSource® Digital Thermome

Strona 5

CHANGING THE BATTERYWhen the “ ” appears and blinks, the battery needs to be replaced. Make sure you use the same type of battery and proceed as

Strona 6

CHANGING THE BATTERYWhen the “ ” appears and blinks, the battery needs to be replaced. Make sure you use the same type of battery and proceed as

Strona 7

CHANGING THE BATTERYWhen the “ ” appears and blinks, the battery needs to be replaced. Make sure you use the same type of battery and proceed as

Strona 8

CHANGING THE BATTERYWhen the “ ” appears and blinks, the battery needs to be replaced. Make sure you use the same type of battery and proceed as

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